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Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Guide to Picking a Pet Frog By Dan O. Smith Platinum Quality Author

Important! Frogs could make splendid pets, however toads in the wild are facing population declines and extinction generally due to human activities. Regrettably, the pet trade is probably causing the amphibian extinction crisis and also the spread of an devastating contamination by Chytrid fungus. Because of this, you should only purchase toads that you are positive are captive bred in the area and tested as without any illness. It may be impossible to get toads that fulfill all these conditions, but often, pet toads could possibly be causing the decrease of wild frog populations.

More Things to Think About When it Comes to a Pet Frog

* Maintaining toads' enclosures tidy might be a lots of work. Several toads have relatively basic light, temperature, and humidity requirements, however they are sensitive to contaminants and waste in their surroundings.

* Frogs in captivity may be long lived (with proper care), thus be ready for a lasting commitment.

* You should manage insects to feed most toads.

On the other hand, most of the larger toads may be sedentary and do not move much.

* It can be hard to get an individual to care for your toads if you plan on travelling at all (keeping in mind you can have your frog for years, you may at some point need somebody to look after your toads for a considerable length of time).

Set up a tank with everything necessary prior to buying a frog.

Items to consider include:

A few of the smallest toads you may see in a pet shop grow into giants. Usually their name adds to the baffled expectations -- "pixie" toads, that sound like they should be small, are really African bulltoads that mature to be 8-9 inches long and very fat. They get their cute name from their latin name, Pyxicephalus adspersus.

* The kind of tank they will need - aquatic, terrestrial, arboreal, or semi-aquatic (or half land and half water, which is perhaps the trickiest to set up and one of the most typical types of tank needed for toads).

* The type of food necessary - many toads need a variety of insects, and the larger types may even eat pinkie mice

* Does the frog need to hibernate?

Excellent Selections for newbies:

* Dwarf Frogs: small, active and totally aquatic, and are among the easiest of toads to keep in captivity.

* Oriental Fire Bellied Toads: semi-terrestrial toads which are pretty lively and relatively easy to keep as pets.

* White's Tree Frog: terrestrial (tree toads) that are docile and easy to maintain, however they do tend to be fairly inactive.

* African Clawed Frogs: aquatic toads that will get really huge (be careful not to mix them up with young African clawed toads with the much smaller dwarf clawed toads). Care is not that hard, though.

* American Green Tree Frogs: another good tree frog suitable for newbies.

* Pacman Frogs: mostly terrestrial toads are fairly easy to care for, but get very big and are also rather sedentary.

Related Topics:
For more information on exotic pets and pet stores, visit

Dan Smith has long engaged himself full as time internet marketer, with more than years of experience in giving advice to thousands of customers on choosing the best products online

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