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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Urinary Infection in Cats

If you have ever had a urinary infection then you know how miserable it is: the burning, the stinging, the difficulty passing urine. Cats and urinary infections are very much like you and urinary infections...just as unhappy as you are.

Urinary infection in cats is common, unpleasant, often chronic, and potentially deadly. In the case of a very bad bladder infection, with blood in the urine and inflammation of the bladder and urethra, there is a possibility of long term damage or death if the infection goes untreated.

Male cats are particularly endangered by the problems of cats and urinary infections. Their longer, narrower urethra is likely to close off entirely due to inflammation, clotted blood in the urine, or because of crystals in the urine caused by underlying conditions.

Why are cats and urinary infections such constant companions? The most common cause has to do with metabolism and pH. If, instead of an acid pH, your cat's urine is low pH, or basic, calcium crystals can form, creating a jagged, irritating stone or grit in your cat's urine. The grit irritates the walls of the bladder and urethra, creating a harboring environment for bacteria.

A rarer but similar condition occurs with normal and high pH urine, so when dealing with urinary infections in cats do not rule out crystal involvement only on the basis of a low pH reading. A final common cause of urinary infections in cats is diabetes. The raised sugar levels in the urine provide an attractive breeding ground for bacterial infections.

How to treat cats and urinary infection.

When your cat has a urinary infection, the first thing to do is get him to a vet immediately. The condition can quickly prove fatal. Your vet is your immediate ally. He is likely to take a number of tests, including a number based on urine samples. Your vet is also likely to prescribe one of several antibiotics.

As a diagnosis becomes more certain the antibiotic may be changed, a special diet prescribed, and a long-term health plan put together to prevent infection from becoming a chronic issue.

At this time you may want to discuss the possibility of natural treatments to augment the immediate prescription treatment and to support the health of your cat.

How can I protect and support my cat's bladder health?

There are some simple ways to protect your cat from bladder and urethral problems. Urinary infection in cats is often encouraged by metabolic issues related to diet, which affects both urinary pH and metabolic balances. Your vet can recommend a number of dietary.

Make sure your cat has constant access to fresh, clean water, too: the more water your cat drinks the more dilute his urine will be, and the less chance there is for crystals to form or bacteria to flourish.

Some vets and pet care specialists recommend natural and homeopathic supplements to treat and prevent urinary infections in cats. Discuss the use of any products with your vet, then look for products containing such medicinal herbs as Arctostaphylos uva ursi, Berberis vulgaris, Cantharis and Staphysagris. These ingredients can have antibacterial and antiseptic effects, reduce inflammation, and may support the immune system to help prevent UTIs in cats.

Cats and urinary infections will probably always be associated. However with medical treatment, dietary support, and appropriate natural supplements, there is reason to hope your cat can lead a life free of the more serious problems that can be found when dealing with urinary infections in cats.

Discover Natural ways to prevent urinary infection in cats. I have researched the best homeopathic remedies which can prevent and keep your cat healthy. Visit Natural Pet Cures to find out more information

Signs of Food Poisoning in Dogs

Obviously, a dog owner cannot always keep an eye on their dog 100% of the time. Therefore, this occasionally means that the dog will get into mischief. This usually involves raiding a garbage can and thus eating something smelly and half rotten and 'tasty' or picking something up off the street while you're not looking! This is probably not something they should eat, despite their strong stomachs. Unfortunately, dogs can get food poisoning just like a human and it can be a scary time for an owner, to see their dog acting ill and not knowing what has happened. The following is an overview of some of the signs of food poisoning in dogs, and what you should look for.

Firstly and most obviously is vomiting. Seeing a dog vomit is nothing new to many owners, but if they keep on doing so, or you spot something odd in their vomit, you may want to call a vet.

Other physical effect can include loose stools of diarrhea. This may not be food poisoning, so you may want to look for other signs before you panic. Sometimes a loose stool can just mean they ate something that was different and so changed their digestion of it somewhat. If your dog continues to get diarrhea for more than a couple of days, consult your vet.

Pain is difficult to determine in animals, since they cannot talk. However, if they are experiencing a belly ache they may whimper, curl up, act lethargic and otherwise uncomfortable. You will notice a change in their behavior and character, which should give you a clue.

More serious effects of food poisoning can include collapsing, disorientation, seizures, muscle spasms, severe dehydration and even comatose conditions. Call a vet immediately if this is the case. Sometimes, food poisoning does not necessarily mean they have eaten some bad food - they may have also gotten into medication, toxic plants, or household cleaners that they have swallowed. This is very serious and should be treated as such. The effects can be bad and even result in death if they have ingested enough.

Sometimes, the toxicity of a food will not result in poisoning as such, but instead a distinct change in behavior, due to the foods effects on his body. He might become extremely over excited and even unintentionally aggressive if he ingests caffeine or chocolate. Chocolate in certain amounts can be toxic to a dog, and while it can cause death in large amounts, most cases just result in this change of behavior. The best thing to do is keep him confined for a while until it wears off. The caffeine acts like a drug to them.

If you suspect food poisoning in your dog, the best thing to do is to try to find the source of it and determine how much they have had of whatever they have eaten. Call a vet and let them know the details and your dog's symptoms, and your vet will be able to give to advice as to what to do.

Guy Berg is a respected author and dog advocate. For more information on feeding your dog you can visit

You can also read some of Guy's training tips over at

Monday, March 23, 2009

Pamper Your Pet With a Grooming Service

If you have a pet that you love and you just don't have time for the upkeep then you should consider pet grooming services. These types of services can make your dog or cat feel and look absolutely fabulous with a fresh shampoo. But they also provide more than just a good wash. You can get your cat or dog massaged, their ears cleaned, nails trimmed, teeth brushed, and so much more.

If your animal has been sprayed by a skunk or has matted hair and needs to have the royal treatment then a pet groomer can ensure it is taken care of by shampooing and making your dog's hair look shiny and clean.

Dogs in particular need to be cleaned and taken care of properly. Grooming is important in the hot summer months so they can feel nice and cool without all of the excess hair. When you take your dog in for pet grooming services they will also benefit by getting their ears cleaned and even their nails trimmed. You may not feel comfortable trimming your dog's nails because you may have already cut them once too close and made his paw bleed. A pet groomer can professionally trim your dog's paws so they no longer scratch. This is the safest way to avoid harming your animal.

Your dog's teeth need to be taken care of just like you take care of yours. You may give your dog bones to keep his teeth healthy and strong. However, bad breath can be a problem and you are supposed to brush your dog's teeth. Pet grooming services also provide teeth brushing so your dog's teeth can be fresh and clean. This will also help them remain healthy and strong.

Anyone who has a pet wants it to live for a long time. You should be sure your pet is healthy and clean. Many people take their pets to a groomer if they have a show dog but this is not the only reason. Giving your dog a day at the doggie spa is luxury for your pet. Plus, your pet will love you for it too when they come home with a fresh shampoo, trimmed nails, clean teeth and ears, and much more.

Pet grooming services also provide pet massages if you find that you are away for long hours and unable to give your dog the attention that you should. Dogs love a good massage just like you do and it shows them that you care.

When it comes to keeping your pet happy and healthy there is nothing more important than proper pet grooming. Whether you take your pet for professional pet grooming services, do the job yourself, or call up a mobile pet grooming company, you are demonstrating your love and affection for your pet

How to Keep Your Fish Healthy in a Small Aquarium

Different people have different kinds of hobbies and interests, mostly for de-stressing or just plainly for fun and satisfaction. One very healthy hobby is keeping an aquarium. Most people think that unlike other pets, fish have shorter lives. This is a misconception. Did you know that a typical fish in an aquarium, depending on its kind of species has a life span of about three to seven years, even longer? A goldfish for instance can live up to twenty years or more! That is a fact.

Most new hobbyists would like to start in a small fish tank aquarium. Of course, to learn a new thing, one should start small.

Here are a few basic tips to keep your fish healthy and your aquarium vibrant with life

To begin with, a small tank aquarium must have a decent stand of its own to bear its load. Don't just place it above a strong appliance or furniture, if it is filled, it has a heavy weight despite its small size. So better be safe than sorry. Start right.

Lighting is a vital part for plant growth in an aquarium. You can't put too much or too little light. Too much creates more algae, too little on the other hand, hinders the growth of plants, which are necessary for your aquarium fish to survive. Fluorescent lights are what's best and practical to use. Fluorescent tubes are available in the market to fit small fish tank aquariums , these artificial lighting has been proven to be energy efficient and can provide just the amount of light fish need.

Aquariums should be maintained with clean water. Tap water, when dechlorinated artificially, or naturally (letting it stay for few days in a container, aerating overnight), is best for most kinds of tropical fish and plants. Also have your water frequently changed, a 10 to 20 percent partial change weekly would be sufficient.

Avoid overpopulating, this makes the water difficult to maintain, especially for small tanks. Just keep a small, balanced community. The majority of this community should be schools of fish of the same species, this creates visual harmony. Keep a minority of fish in the cleaning department. For small fish tank aquariums, choose algae eaters that do not grow too large.

Have a daily check on your little tank of wonder. Look for signs of health dangers. Most behaviors of fish are obvious if their health is at peril. Such as, lurking, gasping and drifting. Change your filter media in accordance to the manufacturer's instruction. If neglected, a filter media can have too many toxins to handle, thus, pushing some of it back into your aquarium! Don't wait for that to happen.

These are a few basic steps to keeping your fish healthy in a small aquarium. Of course, there are many others to consider. When you love your little ecosystem, you will find many ways to protect it and keep it as healthy as possible. Even a small tank aquarium can work wonders for you, physically, mentally and emotionally.

There are many good resources on the internet for these small underwater worlds, one very popular online store is